LDPE geomembrane

LDPE Geomembrane Production and Sale

LDPE geomembrane is a waterproofing polymeric roll sheet used in geotechnics and environmental engineering and produced on the basis of low density polyethylene by blown-extrusion method (sleeve method).

The principle of sleeve technology is as follows: the polymer enters to the extrusion machine, is melted and squeezed out from a forming die as a sleeve, which is immediately blown with air to the required sizes, and then it is folded up in double layer sheet, thereafter it is cut from the sheet end.

Thanks to LDPE geomembrane elasticity and flexibility it is possible to create a screen exactly repeating the design of the existing relief of river beds, trenches, irrigation ditches and pits for long lasting protection and waterproofing.

The LDPE geomembrane construction has approved itself as a waterproofing screen for prevention of absorption loss. Geomembrane sheets are laid on well-measured bed and lap welded. Geomembrane ends are put in the trench located in the pit edge.

ANIKOM Ltd. is engaged in geomembrane manufacturing and sale.

It is hard to imagine the modern construction without use of up-to-date waterproofing materials.

Geomembrane is competitive in efficiency, easy installation and transportation, resistance and service reliability with traditional waterproofing materials.

And in some construction areas it is far ahead of its competitors.

To place an order call us at +7 (3852) 46-25-89, +7 (3852) 60-50-10 or use the order form below.


LDPE geomembrane is produced from low density polyethylene. It has high elasticity values even in use under low temperature conditions. That’s why it is used in construction of subsurface facilities, collapsing soils, waste deposits and under permafrost conditions.

Indicator name 0.3 mm 0.5 mm 0.8 mm 1.0 mm
Roll size, (semi sleeve), m (2.25*2)х60,0 (2.25*2)х50,0 (2.00*2)х30,0 (2.00*2)х20,0
Material type Type of raw materials LDPE (low density polyethylene)
Membrane density, g/cm³ 0,920-0,940 0,920-0,940 0,920-0,940 0,920-0,940
Soot content, % 2,0-3,0 2,0-3,0 2,0-3,0 2,0-3,0
Breaking elongation, % min 450 450 450 450
Water absorption, % 0 0 0 0
Chemical resistance pH 0,5-13 pH 0,5-13 pH 0,5-13 pH 0,5-13


Call at +7 (3852) 46-66-33 or leave your email


Waterproofing film properties are widely used in industrial and civil construction:

  • Landfills for municipal, the industrial and chemical wastes;
  • Water basins and storage pits;
  • Waste water storage tanks;
  • Settlers in oil industry;
  • Tunnel, road and airfield construction;
  • Concrete construction protection;
  • The foundation damp-proofing course;
  • Decorative water basins and pools.

Besides waterproofing properties, the membrane has perfect reinforcing properties. It helps not only to cut off layers sealed off from each other by an impervious screen safely, but also to prevent the caving, soil movements, damage of concrete constructions.

Geomembrane Technological Properties

  • The usage of film in different construction branches is provided by its unique chemical and physical mechanical properties.
  • High resistance to aggressive media: acids, alkali, oils, petroleum products and other substances to the first hazard class.
  • The membrane is undecayable and not broken by UV radiation.
  • High strength properties of the material: flexibility, elasticity, unshrinkability, resistance to puncture, abrasive influence and cracks formation.
  • Temperature range for use varies from -60ºС to + 80ºС.
  • Geofilm meets all environmental safety requirements
  • It has a long service life – to fifty years.


ANIKOM Ltd. is a manufacturer of HDPE membranes. It is possible to produce LDPE film upon the customer's request.

Welding properties of the film produced by ANIKOM Ltd. are very high; the weld strength satisfied the highest requirements.

We produce HDPE geomembrane 5 m wide. Such material width is more convenient for installation works. It allows reducing the usage of sheets due to reduction of number of weld joints. Besides, the use of wide sheets increases the speed of their welding and laying. The use of 5 m wide material increases the installation work efficiency to 10000 square meters per shift by one team, which makes it possible to reduce time limits for commissioning a construction project.

Geomembrane price per m2

The calculation of geomembrane price per m2 differs according to the volume and delivery place.

To make an updated commercial offer for delivery of ANIKOM geomembrane your request shall contain the following information:

  • The Company’s details
  • Geomembrane type
  • Geomembrane thickness
  • Geomembrane quantity in m22
  • Delivery place
  • Contact person’s full name and phone number

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Call +7 (3852) 46-66-33 or post your phone number

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Date: 14.01.25